How long is the paper evaluation?

The evaluation period for articles in the Journal of Criminal Justice and Criminology Research will be 4-6 months .

What is the cost of arbitrating the deposit?

The amount of arbitration fee to the current account number 31378000139724 to Sepah Bank of Mirza Koch Khan Khan Tehran (index 1378) in the name of Legal Studies and Research Institute of Danesh city (Deposited from all branches of Sepah Bank across the country) or card number 6219861001859122 called Saman Bank Deposit the Institute for Legal Studies and Research and upload it to the journal system.

What is the manner of citing articles in the Journal of Legal Research / Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology?

Click here to get an article citing style sheet . 

How many authors' names can be used for an article?

A maximum of two authors, albeit master's or graduate students 'or doctoral students' papers, will only be accepted for refereeing if they are written with the assistance of a faculty member.