Assessing Effectiveness of Testimony Psychology in Scientific Procedure of Tehran City Courts

Document Type : Original Article



The aims of this article is to explain the impact of psychological findings on intuition testimony credibility and assessing scientific procedure of Tehran City courts, in this regard To provide indicators and criteria for assessing ting the testimony credibility.
The main question of this study is that how can psychology findings affect the assessment system of credibility. The method used in this research is library and field method and by means of testimony taking and questionnaire. The study statistical population included all judges in Tehran courts and statistical sample are 30 people from courts judges who were selected using random sampling method. Information collected using descriptive and inferential statistics and parametric or non-parametric tests analyzed by SPSS software. The findings of this study show that using psychology findings, can be reached to reliable indicators to assess testimony credibility. In addition statistical analysis indicates that the judges of Tehran prosecutor's offices not follow some psychology indicators in assessing intuition testimony credibility.


الف. منابع فارسی
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